A bit of everything

Today was a really good day, at least for summer break. I got to see my girlfriend again (second time in the last week… woot), got a long-standing WikiBench todo done, and found some pretty nasty bugs in Mono’s implementation of the 2.0 framework TryParse methods for integer types.

Somewhere in there I sent a form letter to the three Indiana congressmen urging them not to support the IPPA of 2007. I’d encourage you to do the same.

WikiBench now has proper support for blacklisting anonymous users, as well as blocks of IP addresses. You can ask it to blacklist, say “” and every edit coming from an anonymous user in that range will be reported. Combined with state persistence, as I just blogged about, this is really useful. I also toyed with the idea of allowing a user to maintain multiple user-defined blacklists, but am not certain when or if this will happen.

Coming soon to WikiBench: watchlist and citation builder pads.

(I should really release a beta soon…)