Covariant IEnumerables, pre-.NET-4.0

One of the nice things that .NET 3.5 gives us is LINQ, which gives new life to the often-neglected IEnumerable generic interface. Sequence processing is now a first-class citizen in the C# world, and this is a good thing. However, it can be very tricky to design a usable API around enumerables. Today I present…


I’ve got this idea to code some game servers for a series of cooperative games my brother and I used to play as kids. I get similar ideas all the time… how about a game server for this card game or that board game? The problem I run into is pretty much always exactly the…


Splitting a Git repository

First some backstory… I had a public and a private Subversion repository on my web server, and when I started a new project I’d import it into one of them. This is nice because I get versioning and history, plus I get implicit synchronization between my various development boxen. It’s not unusual to have one…

Git and Banshee.OpenVP fun

Well it’s hacking season again. With GNOME’s switch from Subversion to Git complete, which means Banshee now uses Git too, it gave me an excuse to finally learn it. This was not fun. But having toughed it out, I can definitely say that I love it. Now that Banshee is using Git, Aaron is starting…

The new Gazebo: a Gtk# interface to FICS

I’ve abandoned my idea of creating an AJAX interface for the time being. It is a cool idea but I think I can do much better by writing a proper application. The Linux FICS interface scene is rather weak. eboard is about the best there is in terms of usability, and it has its share…

Gazebo: An AJAX interface to FICS

I’ve been getting back into chess recently, and my favorite online community is the Free Internet Chess Server (FICS). There are a wealth of free and open interfaces available for download, but they all have one thing in common: you have to download them. At my workplace this is a no-no, but over my lunch…

Issues with Crockford’s JavaScript conventions

I’ve been reading up on Douglas Crockford’s Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language and I agree with most of them, but I definitely have a bone to pick with one of them: “All variables/functions should be declared before they are used.” This sounds good in theory, and is probably a good programming practice. However,…

JavaScript appreciation and more

I’ve been up to a lot of little things recently but haven’t undertaken any projects big enough to warrant a whole fancy blog post. I figured I might as well summarize what I’ve been up to. I’m doing a project at school that improves the experience of on-campus tutors and their clients. They’d been using…

Finished visualization pipeline

Hopefully, anyway. I spent some time this last week (probably over 15 hours total) giving the Banshee visualization pipeline another overhaul. In the process of doing this I finally filed a bug I found in the spectrum GStreamer element that I’ve been trying to work around for a long time. Even though Sebastian was able…

More optimization

Not creative enough to think of a better title right now… I just spent almost two hours hacking away at the Banshee visualization pipeline again and made one very important optimization: when the callback function is null (which happens when nobody in managed land is listening for visualization data) the visualization pipeline is effectively disabled….