VandalSniper does the watchlist, yo!

It will only be a short while before all of the tabs in VandalSniper are functional! I’ve already implemented the change cache, so the recent changes list is refreshed from the last few edits to be seen on IRC. This makes refreshes instant (except for the diff summary). Driven by the success of this method,…

VandalSniper and IRC: better together!

I spent much of the today integrating SmartIrc4net with VandalSniper. No, VandalSniper doesn’t let you chat on IRC now. It connects to the Wikimedia IRC server and joins the Wikipedia “recent changes” channel, which gets spammed by a bot every time any change is made to Wikipedia. Which means that we can not only save…

VandalSniper 11 released

No turning back now. VandalSniper revision 11 has been released on Wikipedia. In addition, I am now tracking changes to the source tree with Subversion, which is what gives each release of VandalSniper its version number. I decided to number the releases with just the Subversion repository revision to simplify support and dispense with the…

VandalSniper Beta around the corner

I’ve been amazed at how easy Gtk# has made this project. If I were using MWF I’d be spending all my time trying to get the UI to behave properly when the form is resized. Simply put, Gtk#, or rather GTK+, takes care of resizing interface elements for me, and that’s one less thing —…

It’s alive!

After many painful hours of Googling, more Googling, crying, pounding on the desk, and losing my temper in #mono, I have successfully added an ExecuteScript method to jscall, and the corresponding managed binding! With one method call in managed world it is now possible to execute an arbitrary script, passed as a string, inside of…

Gecko# interaction

While developing VandalProof, it has become very obvious that being able to interact with the DOM of the displayed page will be vital to achieving the program’s goals. At this point, Gecko# does not offer any mechanism by which I can do this. I talked with mikalh in #mono for a while, and he referred…